Even so, each SQL statement invocation produces a non-trivial amount of trace output. This tracing method is 'relatively' lightweight compared to the J2C Mustgather and JDBC driver trace. I do not see how to change the stored procedure to avoid this error. SQL statements executed via methods such as regular objects or Stored Procedures will not be traced with this trace specification. This is not an error situation, as I do not expect there to be any values to fetch from the database at all times. When you ask the question Which SQL query is the slowest in my application, perfino delivers the answer together with cumulated backtraces pointing back to the business transactions that are responsible for the.

For details, contact your database server vendor." Database operations like JDBC statements, or queries to mongoDB and other NoSQL databases are first class citizens in perfino. The JDBC driver returned the following error message: '.SQLServerException: The statement did not return a result set.'. A call in the web layer that goes on to an EJB server and further to a web service in. My source code compiles on java 7 and runs on java 11. perfino can monitor business transactions that span multiple VMs. Message says: "Database-level error reported by JDBC driver while executing statement 'EXECUTE FetchMessage 1, 9000'. I tried to start perfino agent on linux machine using various ways. You can try manually triggering a backup and then check the logs and see what happens shortly. Connector/J exposes stored procedure functionality through JDBCs CallableStatement interface. For more information on MySQL stored procedures, please refer to Using Stored Routines. However, the communication channel monitoring sets a red flag for the JDBC sender adapter, when there are no values to fetch from the database table (using the stored procedure). Connector/J fully implements the interface.

The stored procedure itself updates the status of database table records, so that only the unread records are returned each time the stored procedure is called. My JDBC sender adapter towards MS SQL server works fine, with an Execute statement calling a stored procedure that returns the source data needed.